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On 2003-08-20 15:27, Steve Langasek wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 12:38:57PM +0200, cobaco wrote:
> > On 2003-08-20 12:10, Michael Piefel wrote:
> > > Am 20.08.03 um 11:08:28 schrieb cobaco:
> > > > kde 3.2  release is slated for 8th december[1], is there any chance
> > > > we'll wait for it, just so the outdated kde label doesn't apply again
> > > > immediately after release?
> >
> > actually that's just it, if we release on 1st december and KDE releases
> > on 8th december, then 7 days after release we no longer have the stable
> > KDE release in stable, which is a rather unfortunate timing, no?
> No.  This is the way stable releases work.  You can't have the latest
> and greatest version of the software in the distribution the day it
> releases and expect the whole thing to actually be stable, and you
> shouldn't ask the RM to delay the release on account of an impending
> upstream release of one piece of software.  There's *always* new
> software being released in the community, and KDE is probably very low
> on the priority list *of those who use stable*.
> KDE3.2 doesn't miss the deadline by 7 days, it misses the deadline by
> almost two months:
> * October 15th
>    Final, last-minute, low-risk bug fixes only

Monday September 29th, 2003: Preparing Beta1
  The HEAD branch is tagged as Beta 1 and is frozen for nonurgent commits[1]

is there any reason why stabilization of kde and stabilization of 
kde-packaging can't be done in parallel?

> If we manage to release Sarge and it contains the current upstream KDE
> packages for a whole seven days, THAT is a noteworthy improvement all
> its own.
true enough

[1] http://developer.kde.org/development-versions/kde-3.2-release-plan.html
- -- 
Cheers, cobaco

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