On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 20:48, Cameron Patrick wrote:
> There were pretty major changes between KDE 3 and KDE 3.1.  As a Debian

Anyone who wants to can establish their own repository for back-ported KDE 
packages.  KDE has a good history of having people do that, at times there 
have been 3 or more back-port repositories of KDE.

Just because something isn't in the main Debian distribution doesn't mean you 
can't use it!  As long as a reasonably recent version of KDE is in stable you 
won't have any big problems as all the dependencies will be installed.

> user, I'd be rather miffed if a new version of KDE came out within a
> week of sarge being released ... on the other hand, if sarge is to be
> frozen in a couple of months' time, it seems unlikely that KDE 3.2 will
> be able to make it in.   *grumble* :(

Are there any big features you expect from KDE 3.2?

If given a choice between a KDE release that's stable, solid, and reliable and 
a bleeding edge release that gives SEGV's on critical programs such as 
Konsole and has font problems I would choose the stable release every time.  
KDE 1.x was quite usable, while many of the beta releases in the 2.x and 
early 3.x series weren't...

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