W liście z pią, 16-05-2003, godz. 13:05, Michał Politowski pisze: 
> You obviously haven't read man mailcap.order?

I've read, when you first time told me.
It's just a step to provide that usability like my script.
Please, look at this two opions objectively. Forget, that one of them is
already implemented. 

First in administrator point of view. When you are administrator on
non-your computer, you propably don't care about mime types, and you
even don't change mailcap.order. If it's your machine, of course you can
modify mailcap.order. But when you install apps or remove you must edit
it manually. When you've got a lot of preferences mailcap.order is big
and it's hard to find sth. Nevertheless, you propably use user account
to work.

And here is 'magic'. If you are advanced user (and of course you are :)
you could copy /etc/mailcap to ~/.mailcap, sort it, and than just erase
dubbling lines to chose that apps you want. It's ok, and it wasn't as
much difficult (for you). However, imagine a user who doens't know a lot
about all sfuff conencted with mime types (They are people like them
too!!!). He propably won't know what to do.

Here comes help. A frontend. Certainly, you can write a frontend parsing
big file, and after hard work you propably will manage it to show info
in simple way to user. But what for??? Now, it's so much easier to write
a good, *fast* frontend in every language. Because, you've got clean
(and soft :) directory structure with types. Besides, there's still a
posibility to generate full mailcap like old one (if you want to).

You can ask: why change sth?
And I'd tell you: Because new solution is easier to improve, it's solid
base to make any kind of apps making sth with mime. And if is not right
now (I'm sure about it), we should improve it, or even find better.

      .---,             --:   mcINEK   :--
     /  ,. \   '   T h e   O w l s  a r e  n o t     
    |  |  ; ;    W h a t   T h e y   S e e m . . .   '
     \ `._ /        wrote on Debian GNU/Linux SID

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