W liście z czw, 15-05-2003, godz. 16:38, Wouter Verhelst pisze: 
> What's that supposed to mean? Doing that does have its advantages, too
> (such as "you don't have to re-integrate everything with the new
> system").
> Granted, pushing that to extremes will end you up with an unworkable
> system with hundreds of incompatible API's. That's not what this does.

But only if this API is good. If API is wrong and don't have support for
new useful options, should be changed or improved. API is a solid,
stable base for building additions, however, it must be simple and
thought over. Besides, it's not such a basic feature, which requires
change system core.

      .---,             --:   mcINEK   :--
     /  ,. \   '   T h e   O w l s  a r e  n o t     
    |  |  ; ;    W h a t   T h e y   S e e m . . .   '
     \ `._ /        wrote on Debian GNU/Linux SID

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