W liście z czw, 15-05-2003, godz. 15:42, Wouter Verhelst pisze: 
> Yes it does. Create a ~/.mailcap with the application of your choice for
> a given MIME-type at the top.
> My suggestion of a front-end was to create some application that would
> help $USER to manage ~/.mailcap.

I think it's good idea too. It could be done even now. 
But that what I'm trying to say, is we shouldn't use long ways. Solution
you suggested is a 'little bubble' which you wan't stick to exist
mechanism. I will work, however, it's just a bypass. It's a fine
frontend to ulgy mechanism, which indeed doesn't work (if you have to
parse generated file, it doesn't work).

The clue is to think about efficient mechanism, which works globally and
can be adapted by user in *simple* ways (not by a giant/slow script
which parse conf file).

> Please point me to where I said we should leave things as they are.
You didn't say that, but you want use *minimal* solution, which aren't
always good.

PS1. Windows are done this way. MS created took w2k and sticked
more,more and more programmic 'bubbles' and created one big shit :)

PS2. Maybe I wrote my definition of 'bubble':
'Bubble' is a short code, which you can put(stick) to original code
without changing anything.

      .---,             --:   mcINEK   :--
     /  ,. \   '   T h e   O w l s  a r e  n o t     
    |  |  ; ;    W h a t   T h e y   S e e m . . .   '
     \ `._ /        wrote on Debian GNU/Linux SID

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