Dear Zu,

��您注意一下 li xin 直接寄�o我的��息 "问题不大啊~你可以只看繁体的,就和现在一样;简体你不习惯可以不看,如同这篇。"
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 跟所�^的 maillist 的默�J���t一�c�P�S都�]有
小弟只是反��在���x���w上有困�y(�K不是�]有能力���x), 反�� big5 �c gb 合��, 建�h另�_ utf8

2008/5/19 Zu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 这个mail 
> list缺省是回复给上一个发信人的,如果点击"全部回复",则会cc给<listname>。所以直接寄到个人邮箱(就是所谓的"强迫")应该是这个maillist的默认规则,不是被强迫的。如果不希望这样,则可以选择退出邮件列表,或者让maillist的管理员修改一下规则,或者提前邮件里面声明一下
> "请不要直接给我回信,回信的时候把我的地址从收件人或者cc列表中删除" 了
> --
> 瑞豪开源VPS - 基于Linux/Xen - 最低58元/月 - 免费试用
> 2008/5/19 Shih-Yuan Lee (FourDollars) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> To li xin:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED], 不好意思, 您都已��直接寄到小弟的信箱中了, 小弟只有被��迫���x���w的感�X, 
>> 您不����直接寄到小弟的信箱中.
>> 若您是寄到 mailing list 上面那另���e����~ 麻�┠��⒛�的言��及意��直接寄到 mailing list 上面好��? 
>> 好��大家知道您的意��及感受.
>> 2008/5/19 li xin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> 问题不大啊~你可以只看繁体的,就和现在一样;简体你不习惯可以不看,如同这篇。
>>> 2008/5/19 Shih-Yuan Lee (FourDollars) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> 小弟���T看繁�w字
>>>> 在���x���w字上有困�y
>>>> 因此反��合��
>>>> 2008/4/30 Kanru Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>> Hi Andrew,
>>>>> I think we should respect the opinions from who are actually using the
>>>>> lists, so I forward this mail to the lists.
>>>>> 2008/4/30 Andrew Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>>> Dear folks,
>>>>>>  Foka went on IRC and ask for merge debian-chinese-big5 and
>>>>>>  debian-chinese-gb into one mailing list. Please check the log for
>>>>>>  details or read these(I copied from my log) below:
>>>>>>  01:56 < foka> 我最近有��想法:如果把 debian-chinese-big5 和
>>>>>>  debian-chinese-gb
>>>>>>               二合�橐唬�大家看法如何? :-)
>>>>>>  01:57 < aguai> foka: 不懂?
>>>>>>  01:57 < paulliu> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:P
>>>>>>  01:57 < paulliu> aguai, 那是���� mailing list
>>>>>>  01:58 < foka> paulliu, [EMAIL PROTECTED] UTF-8 年代了,也不再存在以前
>>>>>>               Big5、GB2312 �]件�y�a的���}了。
>>>>>>  01:58 < paulliu> 嗯, [EMAIL PROTECTED] big5 的意思����是
>>>>>>                  chinese-traditional
>>>>>>  01:59 < paulliu> �m然大家都是中��人...不�^繁�w跟���w..��是��有一些���x上
>>>>>>  的困�_..
>>>>>>  02:01 < paulliu> 不�^, debian-chinese-big5 �]有甚�N traffic 就是了..
>>>>>>  02:01 < paulliu> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>>  02:01 < paulliu> 我是�X得, 繁�w中文跟���w中文, 有�r是��分�_的...
>>>>>>  02:02 < foka> 其��整�w�碚f��好;我�J�R好多台���淼呐笥眩�很快熟�R���w字
>>>>>>  了。大��朋友看繁�w字,倒也不是���},只是��不出�矶�已。
>>>>>>  02:02 < paulliu> 是可以看的懂, 但是我自己的����是...偶��要猜...
>>>>>>  02:03 < foka> paulliu, 呵呵,正好互相�W��。 :-)
>>>>>>  02:03 < paulliu> 也�S���w中文猜中意思的�C率是 9x%, 日文�h字 4x%......
>>>>>>  Debian do have lists for different languages. I think it's easier for
>>>>>>  support our users. Cause they can use their mother language to ask
>>>>>>  question and got answer by the mother language. We have separately lists
>>>>>>  because long time ago, we have encoding difference problem on big5 and
>>>>>>  gb2312, so that we have two lists for Chinese.
>>>>>>  But my opinion now Debian is a global community, it is not specfic for
>>>>>>  any nation or racism. Who use traditional or simplified Chinese are
>>>>>>  equal participant.
>>>>>>  But everyone can has opinion. Paulliu said that traditional and
>>>>>>  simplified Chinese are all Chinese, which I agreed. And Paulliu also
>>>>>>  think traditional and simplified Chinese should be separate.
>>>>>>  However the point I concerned is our users support and free software
>>>>>>  community.
>>>>>>  So I'd like to ask, what's you guys' opinion:
>>>>>>  Does our community only limited in Taiwan or China?
>>>>>>  Do you guys agree people from over the world can be also part of Debian
>>>>>>  community?
>>>>>>  You guys prefer to do the user support together or separately, and why?
>>>>>>  Please give your valuable opinion.
>>>>>>  Kindest regards,
>>>>>>  -Andrew
>>>>> --
>>>>>  ~ Kanru Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>  'v'
>>>>>  // \\ GnuPG-Key ID: 365CC7A2
>>>>>  /( )\ Fingerprint: 3278 DFB4 BB28 6E8C 9E1F 1ECB B1B7 5B5F 365C C7A2
>>>>>  ^`~'^
