make sure you get the kernel-src-xx.x.x link to /usr/src/linux the module de-tar-zip at /usr/src tar -zxvf nvidia-kernel-src ----> should look like /usr/src/modules/xxxx
For Kernel Src related package, usually debian use make-kpkg it should be one of the following : make-kpkg --add-modules nvidia-glx-1.0-2880 and make-kpkg modules nvidia-glx-1.0-2880 ( build the module itself ) Alex wqinian rao : >我 用apt-get install nvidia-kernel-src nvidia-glx-src >两个文件,但是我进入/usr/src后出现 >nvidia-glx-1.0-2880这个目录了,我 用tar xzvf >nvidia-kernel-src解压后,出来个modules目录,里面又有个debian目录,请问我该如何做呢,谢谢! > >_________________________________________________________ >Do You Yahoo!? >银行巨头聚会中原 大浪淘‘金’谁将笑傲 > > > > -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- | This message was re-posted from | and converted from big5 to gb2312 by an automatic gateway. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]