Sorry about that... I should explain a little more.
When you make your own kernel, there may be some
modules or update or patch which is not in the
officeal deb package format. And the standard
/usr/src/linux directory are usually the location
for the current kernel source. And most update and
patches will build by reading info form /usr/src/linux
so it is safter to link kernel-src-xxx to linux.
ln -s kerenl-src-xxx linux
should work

Now after I read your other email. I realized that
you havn't complie your own kernel yet.
Kernel module is like linked lib, they need to match
with all the "symble". e.g. libc6-2.2 may have different
symble then libc6-2.1
So when you make your own kernel, you need to make it
with the same source you are using.

When you need a kernel-module in debian there are two
way of doing it
First one is when you are using the offical kernel:
1. find and install the deb kernel-module you are looking for
2. install the kernel-header (same version of your kernel)
3. make-kpkg the module and install it.

Second one is when you build your own kernel:
1. find and install the kernel-source you want.
2. make menuconfig, your kernel
3. make-kpkg the kernel-image and install it
4. find and install the extra-module
5. make-kpkg the kernel-module

Good luck :)
P.S. see that will help. if not > the error to file and
send it to me see I can help :)

wqinian rao wrote:

> --- Alex Lau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 的正文:> make
>sure you get the kernel-src-xx.x.x link to
>>the module de-tar-zip at /usr/src
>>tar -zxvf nvidia-kernel-src ----> should look like
>>For Kernel Src related package, usually debian use
>>it should be one of the following :
>>make-kpkg --add-modules nvidia-glx-1.0-2880
>>make-kpkg modules nvidia-glx-1.0-2880 ( build the
>>module itself )
>>wqinian rao :
>>>我 用apt-get install nvidia-kernel-src
>>>nvidia-glx-1.0-2880这个目录了,我 用tar xzvf
>呵呵,不好意思你说link to linux是linux
>看清楚以为是nvidia的kernel 所以想了半天,没有想通不好意思........
>Do You Yahoo!? 
>银行巨头聚会中原 大浪淘‘金’谁将笑傲

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