On Mon, 18 May 2015 23:48:51 +0200 Mike Gabriel wrote:

> @Francesco: that old post from Brian should be the statement we need,
> right? As Brian has not answered back, so far, does that post suffice?

Yes, I am under the impression that it may be considered as evidence
that Brian had always meant to grant permission to modify, despite not
being overly clear until DXPC version 3.8.1.
In other words, it seems that the re-licensing was more intended to be
a clarification, rather than a change of mind.

> I also had a mail from Zach in my mailbox this morning. I managed to
> get hold of him via phone over the weekend. He posted his agreement
> to this Debian bug (as message #77) [1] earlier today. @Zach: thanks
> a lot for that!!!

This is really great!

> @Francesco: by looking at [2], I cannot see any hint for Gian Filippo
> Pinzari being a copyright holder of DXPC. This is stated in the
> NoMachine files at at least one place, but not in the latest DXPC
> upstream release. I am on my mobile right now, need to check old
> versions of DXPC, but if Gian Filippo Pinzari is not listed in
> the DXPC 3.7.0 release (where nxcomp obviously got forked from),
> then I think that we don't require his feedback, right?

If it is confirmed that Gian Filippo contributed to the forking of DXPC
within the NoMachine project, but not directly to DXPC, then I think
that he made his contributions available under the terms of the GPL v2
of the NoMachine project.
If this is the case, no feedback should be required from his side.

> To my opinion, this issue can be settled. We have direct feedback
> from Kevin and Zach and Kevin dug out an old post from Brian stating
> the retroactive nature of the BSD-2-clause while Gian Filippo probably
> not being a real copyright holder of the original DXPC code. Right?

Yes, I agree with this analysis.
The only missing check is the one about Gian Filippo's involvement (as
explained above).

Thanks a lot to everyone involved in this license fixing effort!

> [1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?msg=77;att=0;bug=784565
> [2] http://www.vigor.nu/dxpc/README

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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