Hi Francesco,

On  Mo 11 Mai 2015 21:36:59 CEST, Francesco Poli wrote:

On Mon, 11 May 2015 09:26:36 +0000 Mike Gabriel wrote:

As it seems, dxpc has been long ago relicensed to BSD-2-clause (for
v3.8.1 in/around 2002).

This is great news, indeed!

I have no exact clue, if NoMachine forked prior to that (if they quote
the old licensing terms, then probably they did).

Yep, it's plausible...

However, how do you see the situation considering that upstream
changed to BSD-2-clause a long time ago. What approach do you propose
for nx-libs-lite to get the issue fully fixed?

If the fork has been performed before the DXPC re-licensing (as it's
likely), I see two possible strategies:

 (A) someone gets in touch with DXPC copyright owners and asks them
whether the re-licensing may be considered retroactive (applicable to
older versions of DXPC); in case the answer is negative, DXPC copyright
owners should be persuaded to make the re-licensing retroactive

This is the way to go, I will pull in Kevin Vigor (the upstream author of DXPC) into this thread with my next email.

 (B) nx-libs-lite upstream developers re-fork from scratch, basing the
new code on a BSD-licensed version of DXPC (I suspect this may turn out
to be somewhat painful...)

Yeah, indeed painful.

Obviously, the optimal solution is (A). I hope it may work...

Thanks for your time and for your prompt and kind replies.

Also, Michael DePaulo, one of the upstream NX maintainers noted that DXPC simply used a previous version of the BSD license, see [1]. The weakness of that ancient license template is that modification is not explictily allowed, but neither forbidden.

I think, regarding the historical usage of the BSD license predecessor and the switch to BSD-2-clause should be fine already (I am not a lawyer, though). I will contact DXPC upstream nonetheless and ask for a statement.


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_licenses#Previous_license


mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
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