Dear Brian, dear Zachary, dear Gian Filippo,

(Find a TL;DR; at the end of this mail...)

I am contacting you on a licensing issue related to the DXPC code that you worked on at the end of the nineties. I'd highly appreciate it if you could take a little time to read this mail and get back to me, either privately or in public. [I have actually Cc:ed quite a number of people in this mail (thread). All of them will be affected by the outcome of this license issue to some lesser or greater extent. If you feel inconvenient with replying to so many people you don't know, really don't hesitate to get back to me in private first, so that we can sort things out. Thank you.]

Before I continue, let me shortly introduce myself. My name is Mike Gabriel, I work for the Debian project [1.1, 1.2] (which brings forth one of the major GNU/Linux distributions world-wide. I am also the upstream code maintainer of a software project called nx-libs [2]. The nx-libs code has been derived from several of NoMachine's NXv3 [11] components (namely: nx-X11, nxagent, nxcomp, nxcompext and nxcompshad).

A member of the Debian legal team [3] (Francesco Poli) made us (i.e., the nx-libs developers, users, package maintainers) aware of an issue [4] in the nx-libs component NXCOMP (which has been derived from DXPC [5]). Please read Message #5 of the brought up issue on the Debian bug tracker (#784565) [4] before you continue reading. Thanks.

I will now jump into the below quoted mail and continue inline...

On  Di 12 Mai 2015 23:40:48 CEST, Francesco Poli wrote:

On Tue, 12 May 2015 17:41:55 +0200 Mike Gabriel wrote:

Hi Kevin,

Hello Mike, hello Kevin, hello to all the other recipients.

First of all, I wish to express my gratitude to Kevin for his prompt,
kind and generous response.

thanks for your feedback. Let us wait for Francesco, our expert on license issues, and see what he thinks about your feedback.

I think that this is an important first step to solve this issue for
the best.
Kevin Vigor is one of the copyright owners of the code that was forked
before the re-licensing.
We now know that he intended the re-licensing to be retroactive and
this is really good.

We are currently in the process of contacting all DXPC related copyright holders mentioned in the NXCOMP license file [6]. We already received some feedback from Kevin Vigor [7], but we also need to address you (Brian, Zachary, Gian Filippo) with this. (The mail address I have from Zachary may be outdated, so any current contact address is highly welcome, in case the mail address being used will bounce back).

At the moment, NXCOMP (and thus nx-libs, but also NoMachine's NXv3 code) cannot be considered as fully free software, until this issue is settled. The DXPC license before DXPC v3.8.1 was an ancient BSD style license that failed in explicitly mentioning, that it is allowed to modify the DXPC code in derivative works. In 2002, DXPC 3.8.1 got released [12], using a more compliant license (BSD-2-clause). As Kevin told us, this license change [8,9] was done after the FSF [10] had contacted the DXPC developers.

However, the NXCOMP code in NXv3 got forked from DXPC before 2002, as it seems. So unfortunately, the modifications of DXPC as found in NoMachine's NXCOMP product are not compliant with the pre-3.8.1 license of DXPC.

I think that now it would be useful to ascertain that the other
copyright owners (Brian Pane, Zachary Vonler, Gian Filippo Pinzari) are
also OK with this interpretation of the re-licensing operation.

TL;DR; So here comes my actual question: are you (Brian Pane, Zachary Vonler, Gian Filippo Pinzari) ok with retroactively regarding pre-3.8.1 code of DXPC (that you probably all worked on at that time) as BSD-2-clause? Are you ok with others having taken or taking the pre-3.8.1 DXPC code and distribute it in a modified form?

A yes from all of you as DXPC copyright holders is essential for the continuation of nx-libs development under a free license. This may also possibly be an issue for NXv4 in case parts of it have been derived from DXPC.

Thanks to all of you for taking your time.



mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

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