On Thu, 29 Jul 2010 23:21:06 +0200, Jeffrey Ratcliffe wrote:

> >> If no one objects, then I will prepare them for upload.
> I've done this now. 

Great, thanks for all your work!

> I spent the best part of a day scratching my head
> over how best to deal with the manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry lintian
> warnings for the manpages whose PODs don't correspond to a GLib type,
> but I've not come up with anything useful.

I guess you are not the first one who didn't find a solution for this
issue; these warnings persist since quite some time, despite several
people stumbling over them.
I looked at the two packages and I'm happy to upload them. There's
just one small issue: Maybe you could mention in the changelog not
only "new upstream release" but something like "new stable upstream
release, we're using a new epoch now because of the unstable ones
before, and now we want to track the stable releases ..." (in a
complete sentence and proper English :)) -- otherwise this could be a
bit confusing.


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