On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 15:39:20 +0200
Kari Pahula <k...@debian.org> wrote:

> Let's try out some more things.
> Please try
> gdb --args /usr/lib/ghc-6.12.1/lib/ghc -B/usr/lib/ghc-6.12.1/
> --interactive
> and type "where" when you get the segfault.

i think there might be something wrong wih what i am doing, because i

uov...@flatline:~$ gdb --args /usr/lib/ghc-6.12.1/lib/ghc
-B/usr/lib/ghc-6.12.1/ --interactive 
[snip the license]
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/ghc-6.12.1/lib/ghc...(no debugging
symbols found)...done. 
(gdb) where
No stack.

that "no debugging symbols found" made me think i need to install the
ghc6-gdb package, but i can't find it in the repositories. there is a
ghc6-prof package, but from apt i read it's used for profiling, and
installing it in fact does not change the output. Hints?
thanks again

           Andrea Lusuardi  -  UoVoBW 
          Registered Linux User #364578
    http://uovobw.homelinux.org/ - GPG: 313C1073

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