On Wed, Aug 22, 2007 at 06:45:03PM +0200, Hilmar Preusse wrote:
Package: tetex-bin
Version: 3.0-30
Still using teTeX? Have you put the packages on hold or is that in
reality TeX Live?
I'm sorry I do not understand your question.
Could you provide the file nrp-rules.tex? Does the problem occur with
other TeX files too? Can you run the dvips command with the
additional option "-d 326"?
I have attached a sample file that will produce the same error. I'm not
sure how to run the dvips command manually. The errors referenced a
file or directory called ./images.dvi but I can find no indications that
this was created. Perhaps that is the problem.
Neil Watson | Debian Linux
System Administrator | Uptime 4 days
% Template for two sided report
\documentclass[notitlepage, twoside, 12pt]{report}
% Skip vertical space
\vskip 0.25cm
% Draw horizontal line
% Skip vertical space
\vskip 0.5cm
Bug test
% Skip vertical space. The zero works like a new line (\\)
\vskip 0.0cm
% Draw horizontal line
\author{Neil H. Watson}
This is a bug test for latex2html.
Math equations are translated to images when latex2html is run. For
example $4\pi / 22$ and $3\times4=12$ are both images.