Le 21/07/2016 à 09:12, Chris Lamb a écrit : > Whilst libcommons-codec-java builds successfully on unstable/amd64, according > to > Debian Policy 4.9 packages may not attempt network access during > a build.
Hi Chris, Thank you for reporting this issue. This happens because the Javadoc is linked to the JDK API hosted on download.oracle.com [1]. The connection isn't required for the build though, if it fails the javadoc generated won't contain links to the documentation of the standard API. My understanding of the "no network access" rule was that the build must not require a network connection to complete, nor pull into the package external elements not found in the source tarball at build time. I guess the intent is to ensure that the source packages are self contained. Here the javadoc tool merely checks the existence of the remote documentation to add href links in the generated files. This is optional and doesn't break the build if it doesn't work. So for these reasons I think this is a rather minor policy violation, the package is indeed self contained and doesn't fail to build without network access. I'm more concerned about the reproducibility issue induced though, because this means the package generated will be different when built with or without network access. libcommons-codec-java is still built with Ant. Switching to maven-debian-helper should fix this issue. Emmanuel Bourg [1] https://sources.debian.net/src/libcommons-codec-java/1.10-1/build.xml/#L93