On Thu, 21 Jul 2016 10:00:06 +0200, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:

> My understanding of the "no network access" rule was that the build must
> not require a network connection to complete, nor pull into the package
> external elements not found in the source tarball at build time. I guess
> the intent is to ensure that the source packages are self contained.

In my understanding, this has changed in 3.9.7 (emphasis mine):

* Policy: [4.9] debian/rules: required targets _must not attempt_ network
  Closes: #770016
> Here the javadoc tool merely checks the existence of the remote
> documentation to add href links in the generated files. This is optional
> and doesn't break the build if it doesn't work. So for these reasons I
> think this is a rather minor policy violation, the package is indeed
> self contained and doesn't fail to build without network access.

As the discussion in #770016 shows, the new wording is not about
"packages mustn't fail to build without network" but indeed "packages
aren't even _allowed to try_ to reach beyond localhost during build."

PS1: I can't say that I'm 100% convinced by this policy change.
PS2: I'm surprised that it took so long after the release of policy
     3.9.7 before someone started a mass bug filing :)


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