Christoph Egger wrote:
> <weasel> christoph: the ftp-folks wouldn't mind having a jessie-kfreebsd 
> suite in the main archive.
> With our own acceptance policy I guess (like backports has different
> people accepting and stuff) and DSA would sure be willing to use
> that.

Oooh that does actually sound perfect!  I am thrilled.

> All it means is we need to do some release that is close enough to
> being debian for the infrastructure.

> It means we can't only do some rolling stuff and expect DSA to run
> hardware for us for example.

The rolling stuff was initially my idea to replace testing.  But then I
wondered for a while, if we had that, was there still a need for a
conventional stable release;  I see clear reasons now for the latter.

Steven Chamberlain

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