reassign 486298 disk-detect
retitle 486298 Needs delay loop to allow for megaraid_mbox initialization

Hello Daniel,

On Sunday 15 June 2008, Daniel Dickinson wrote:
> Comments/Problems:
> Aside from two minor issues having to do with the PERC/3 / Megraraid
> (megaraid_mbox driver) controller the install went flawlessly.  The
> first issue is known and doesn't likely have a solution, and that is
> the fact that the megaraid can take up to 300 seconds before is
> actually loaded resulting in loading the megaraid_mbox driver appearing
> to have failed during disk detection.

If you know of any way we could check that the driver is being loaded but
loading is not complete, then we could possibly add a pause.

If the syslog of the installation clearly shows the progress of the loading
process, then please send us that (gzipped).

If it does not, or if you want to verify it, maybe try the following:
- run the install in expert mode
- just before the disk detection step, switch to VT2 and run 'dmesg -c'
- then enter the following command (in one line):
  modprobe megaraid_mbox; for i in 1 to 65; do dmesg >megaraid_$i.dmesg; echo 
"$i"; sleep 5; done
- please time how long it takes for the first counter to be displayed;
  if that takes a significant time, you could try repeating this, but then
  run the modprobe on VT3 immediately after starting the for loop on VT2,
  or to background it using "&"
- after that's finished, check at what points there is progress in these
  files and send only those that do show progress to us (gzipped tarball)

Knowing the duration before modprobe returns is definitely interesting.

> The second issue is that the megaraid_mbox driver requires rootdelay=10
> as a boot parameter, at least until the kernel driver is fixed (known
> kernel issue).

As that is probably for essentially the same reason, we could possibly add
that parameter by default.


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