Robert Millan wrote:
> My understanding is that both gnash and swfdec are currently robust pieces
> of software.  I'd be glad to see either being part of our default desktop.

I'd generally agree, although I think we'll need to do a good job of
documenting that the nonfree flash is not included by default, and how
users can install it.

> That said, I'd like to point out that gnash seems much more popular (when
> compared to its swfdec equivalents in sid):
> 3600  gnash                           1730   641   618   470     1 (Miriam 
> Ruiz)
> 6792  libswfdec-0.5-5                  477     1    11    22   443 (Santiago 
> Garcia Mantinan)
> 10380 libswfdec-0.6-90                 208    76     0   119    13 (Santiago 
> Garcia Mantinan)

Looking at just the browser plugins:

So they're both being adopted at the same rate by users, and gnash has a
year's head start. 

And the adoption and rate of adoption of both is still quite small.
Compare with mplayer's 19 thousand reported installs in the same time period.

see shy jo

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