Miriam Ruiz wrote: > swfdec might be an option too. For what I know, Gnash supports more > Flash than swfdec,
How long have you used each? (I assume you've used gnash a lot since you maintain it..) I've only tried each for a few hours myself, about once per month since January, as I use websites with flash that neither supports, but my general impression is that swfdec supports more sites, including the previously mentioned google video. > but swfdec is indeed stable and what it does, it > does good. swfdec is, AFAIK, more a one person's project, while Gnash > has 5 full time developers working for it, and has all the support > from FSF, which is more or less quite a guarantee for the future > evolution. Benjamin Otte is definitely doing the lion's share of work on swfdec, but there are other developers too. Is the FSF funding 5 fulltime developers? > In any case, I'm adding Santiago Garcia Mantinan (swfdec maintainer) > to the Cc list to see what he might think about it. It would be nice > to have a Flash player installed by default in Desktop, whichever is > best. Maybe we could want to compare benchmarks or something like > that. I gather that gnome will be (or is already) including swfdec-gnome (not swfdec-mozilla) as a standard component. http://mail.gnome.org/archives/devel-announce-list/2008-January/msg00001.html Also, Fedora has been facing the same issues and decision. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Swfdec Here is a candid assisement of swfdec's suitablility they solicited from Benjamin. https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-desktop-list/2008-January/msg00084.html -- see shy jo
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