> I have no idea what you're trying to say with "moral harcelement", but no,

I think the right word is "harassment". "Harcèlement" is the French

"harcèlement moral" is now an accepted reason for employees to sue
their employers in France (and I would guess in many other countries)
to define the situation where the employer (or one of the company's
hierarchy members) puts some heavy moral pressure on one of the
employees...most often with the said intent to have him/her leave.

Sensitivity on "harcèlement moral" has been very widely publicized
recently in our country when the legal system and, mor eprecisely, the
"Work Legal System" ("droit du travail") defined it very clearly.

The definition of it is very well bordered in the French law system
and, with the agreement of my wife who happens to have "some"
knowledge in Human Resource management (including the legal aspects),
what happened between Sven and other members of the project certainly
cannot define as "harcèlement moral". It falls under "normal"teamwork
relationship and a very clear way to settle an internal crisis in a
work team.

This is actually what I was trying to say to Sven...but it seems that
I'm not heard at all.

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