Disclaimer: This kind of social mess can only be solved in full transparency
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offended, please disregard this email instead.

On Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 10:42:17AM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 12:12:59PM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
> > On Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 12:53:52AM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
> > > I've put you on /ignore on IRC before, left IRC channels you were in, and
> > > even had to walk away from the computer once or twice because of your
> > > "communication style."
> > Well, possibly, but i can say the exact same thing about Frans, and i
> > remember well how aba ior someone else had to silence Frans on
> > #debian-kernel when we where discussing this whole mess back in marsch.
> Why the hell can't you ever just acknowledge when you're mistaken?

I sure as hell can aknowledge when i am mistaken, i believe i have done my
mea-culpa, and clearly listed all issues i was mistaken about, but i have
still failed to see a single time where Frans, joeyh, and even yourself do the

> You claimed that there were only two people on the d-i team that had
> problems with you.  *I demonstrated that this is false*.  What the hell does

I was told by the DPL i think it was that there where 3 people who could not
work with me from the d-i team. Those where Frans, JoeyH, and another third
one whose name was not given. Since i have no reason to doubt the DPL's word
in this, it ensues that either you didn't tell this to the DPL, or you are the
third unamed guy.

And i remember very celarly that someone did tell Frans something about the
lines of "please stop, you are not helping", when he was constantly bashing of
me in the expulsion mess i believe, which was an debian-kernel affair where he
had nothing to do. I believe this guy was aba, and that you where present at
that time. I don't hold irc logs, but either you or someone clearly do, so you
can go verify for yourself.

> *anyone* else's behavior have to do with the question of whether there are
> people that have a hard time working with *you*?

And i don't see what people having a hard time "communicating" with me, has to
do with those same people having a hard time "working" with me, and why the
DPL didn't even reply to my compromise proposal, which would have brought
communication problems to a minimum, allowed me to do the work that needed
doing and which nobody else was doing, and everyone to code happily forever

I also remember quite well me mentioning this compromise proposal of mine to
you on irc, and your response being :

  seems reasonable, but *shurg*, ...

> > > No, Frans and Joey are not the only members of the d-i team that have a 
> > > hard
> > > time working with you.
> > Ah, so you are the unnamed third one.
> If that fits better with your fantasy world where all the d-i developers
> love you but are afraid of being put to the rack for their heresy, sure, go
> ahead and believe that.

Hehe, it sure is not as white-and-black as this, but then i doubt living in a
fantasy world where all the d-i developers hate me and cannot envision working
with me is sane either. And this is exactly the message vehiculated by the
DPL, Frans and JoeyH, and others like you to some degree.


Sven Luther

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