Debian Bug Tracking System a écrit :
Hi Christian,This is an automatic notification regarding your Bug report #288476: nForce 2 success, which was filed against the installation-reports package.
It has been closed by one of the developers, namely Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
Their explanation is attached below. If this explanation is unsatisfactory and you have not received a better one in a separate message then please contact the developer, by replying to this email.
Debian bug tracking system administrator (administrator, Debian Bugs database)
Received: (at 288476-done) by; 4 Jan 2005 06:54:59 +0000From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Jan 03 22:54:59 2005Return-path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 07:40:59 +0100
From: Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Bug#288476: nForce 2 success
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Quoting Filipus Klutiero ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
The last point is about locales. I use French in Canada (fr_CA) and a=20.=20
PS/2 104 keys keyboard and that doesn't work well. At the last step=20
before the first reboot, d-i proposes to "go back" instead of rebooting=
If you choose that and end the first part immediately after, the second==20
part will be in "expert" mode. Then you'll see a step "Postconfigure=20
This is expected behaviour.
language-related parameters". At this step, d-i only writes "Unsupporte=d=20
locale fr_CA" quickly. Probably as a consequence, my X is configured by==20
default with "us" keyboard. Then, this probably causes KDE to also use=20
This message is harmless. It will soon be removed from localization-confi= g. It happens for all locales, supported or not, indeed..:-)
the wrong keyboard layout by default (this is pretty irritating...).=20=20
Also, KDE is set by default to use the Imperial measure system, even if=
I'm in Canada. Finally, in expert mode, I can choose the papersize, and==20
it says that A4 is certainly the good size, even if I'm in Canada (I=20=20
wish that would be true...). Obviously in normal installs d-i will=20
automatically pick up the wrong size. What needs to be done to make d-i=
support fr_CA?
Nothing. It supports fr_CA. I'm not really sure about the KDE paper size thing but this definitely is not a d-i problem.
Given that this install report is a complete success report, I do as usual with successful install report=A0: I close the bug..:-)
This does not of course mean you weren't right to report. Knowing the installations are correct is important for the d-i team.
Many thanks for yourtime testing the Debian Installer and reporting your results. Have fun with your new Debian system!
/etc/papersize is not related to KDE, but to dpkg-reconfigure libpaper1 so affects all programs, like OOo under Gnome. Also, even if my installation was mainly successful, I was wondering if the problem of X defaulting to us instead of fr_CA was known. I didn't know about dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 until months after I installed debian for the first time, so it's not cool if you have to run that immediately.