reopen 288476
clone 288476 -1
reassign -1 libpaper1
retitle -1 Incorrectly defaults to A4 when the locale is fr_CA
severity -1 minor
reassign 288476 localization-config
severity 288476 normal
retitle 288476 Keyboard for fr_CA installs is incorrect

The above properly assign bugs to the (I suppose) relevant
packages. libpaper1 and localization-config maintainers, please read
the whole bug log about the different issues involved.

I'm not sure that something is possible for libpaper1. This depends on
the way the package sets its defaults.

For resuming, these issues comes from a fresh sarge install using
"French in Canada" choices where the bug submitter reported an
incorrect default paper size and an incorrect X keyboard layout.

"> >" parts below is me talking while trying to anaylse the bug. "> "
parts is the bug submitter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) responses.

> >So, either the default paper size in french speaking parts of Canada
> >is really A4 and then the fr_CA locale should be changed.....or the
> >default paper size is really US letter just like in the rest of
> >Northern America and nothing is wrong, then.
> > 
> >
> Sorry, /etc/papersize defaulted to A4, while it should default to US 
> letter for Quebec, and almost certainly all US+Canada.

OK, I misunderstood you.

I don't know how libpaper1 sets the default and if it depends on the
locale....or if it is always A4. But, anyway, if it sets the default
based on the locale, then it is wrong for fr_CA.

Let's see what the maintainer of libpaper1 says about this issue.

> >>installation was mainly successful, I was wondering if the problem of X 
> >>defaulting to us instead of fr_CA was known. I didn't know about 
> >>dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 until months after I installed debian 
> >>for the first time, so it's not cool if you have to run that immediately.
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >
> >I guess this comes from localization-config:
> >
> >                   'fr_CA'        => { LAYOUT => 'us', XKBOPTIONS => '' },
> >
> >
> >The question then becomes : what is the default XKB layout used by
> >les cousins d'outre flaque ? 
> >
> >Is there a fr_CA layout for X?
> >
> >If so, do you use 'pc104' or 'pc105' for the XKB model?
> >
> >It's quite likely that we will have to reopen this bug and reassign it
> >to localization-config.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> I don't think there is a fr_CA layout. I think it's ca and ca_enhanced, 
> but I found no description of those keyboards, either historic or 
> pragmatic, so I have no idea which should be default. I personally use 
> ca_enhanced with a pc104 keyboard (most people here have pc105) but I 
> don't know what's an XKB model neither. What I know is that us is not 
> the right one.

Here, localization-config is clearly involved.

Kostas (he is the maintainer of this package), I then recommend the
following for X keyboard settings and fr_CA

'fr_CA'        => { LAYOUT => 'ca', XKBOPTIONS => '', XKBMODEL => 'pc105' },

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