Hello > Thanks for your time. One last thing about translations: Did you have > any (translation-related) problems while partitioning?
I did not have translation-related problems while partitioning, but I must admit that I did not go too much into detail. I just created a root partition and a swap partition. But I remember some other things that I forgot to mention in my first e-mail or overlooked: During the configuration of the timezone in the German version of the installer the sentence that states the current time of the hardware clock is twice in the screen. Another thing during the timezone configuration is the screen that follows the hardwareclock and asks to confirm if the Timzone is Europe/Berlin. The German sentence "Ihrem Lan nach, ist ihre Zeitzone vermutlich Europe/Berlin" just sounds strange, though it is of course clear what is meant. In my opinion the second sentence would be enough "Befinden Sie sich in der Zeitzone Europe/Berlin" The password setup screens for root and user account jumps back to English, but maybe thats just because the translation was not ready for Beta 4 of the installer. In the English version of the password setup for the user I also found a duplicate sentence: "Enter the full name of the new user". When the password for the user account is to be set the installer jumps back to German. During the configuration of console-data again several (about seven) German umlaut characters are displayed incorrectly as strange double bytes. (Maybe this is also already fixed.) Another thing is the German version of the configuration screen for Exim4. It must have been late in the evening ;-) when the translation was done. The second sentence "Bleibt dieses Feld..." contains in my opinion several mistakes. Maybe this version sounds better? "Bleibt dieses Feld leer, wird diese Mail in /var/mail/mail gespeichert, was nicht empfohlen wird". The next sentence simply has a spelling error in the word "anderes". And the word "getrennt" in the middle of the configuration dialog is also misspelled. When the configuration is finished a final screen pops up that states that the user can login now to the login prompt. In the german translation the word Prompt is misspelled. Thanks again for all your work. Regards Thorsten -- NEU : GMX Internet.FreeDSL Ab sofort DSL-Tarif ohne Grundgebühr: http://www.gmx.net/dsl -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]