Andrew Pollock wrote:
> Can #229328 be addressed? I've submitted a patch. It would greatly improve
> LVM support in the installation process, as it's rather broken at present.

I had been reluctant to commit that since I don't know enough about lvm
to test it.

-set -- `vgdisplay -v | grep 'NOT active' | wc -l`
-[ $1 -gt 0 ] && apt-install lvm10
+#229328 #set -- `vgdisplay -v | grep 'NOT active' | wc -l`
+#229328 #[ $1 -gt 0 ] && apt-install lvm10
+# I presume we're chrooted into the base installation here...
+[ -e /proc/lvm/VGs ] && set -- `ls /proc/lvm/VGs/ | wc -l` && [ $1 -gt 0 ] && 
apt-install lvm10

That comment is very confusing, it says it expects to be chrooted to
/target, and then proceeds to use apt-install, which is only available
outside of /target.

see shy jo

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