We're still on track for release on the 15th. Here's a schedule up to

March 3rd       No changes to libraries past this point.
March 6th       Final code changes for i386 enter the archive.
                      (except new udebs and possibly partman)
March 7th       All udebs to be copied from unstable to testing.
                First possibly final i386 CDs built; testing.
                String freeze begins.
March 10th      String feeeze ends.
March 14th      Final changes to udebs in archive.
                Final image and CD builds.
March 15th      Release.

So we will be trying to get i386 into a releasable state by weekend, and
after that concentrate on making sure the other architectures are ready.
Here, again is a checklist for what needs to be done for an architecture
before release:

 1. CD images builds should be working (if applicable)
 2. images must be in debian archive
 3. at least one successful installation report per boot method

Here is a short list of things that need to be done still before release:

 - fix all beta2 errata (a must)
        - reiserfsprogs not installed
 - partman
        - xfs and reiserfs support urgently needed
        - testing!
        - probably go for i386, other arches unknown
 - i18n:
        - cfdisk-udeb (util-linux package) utf-8 support. Bug#229875. NMU?
        - bterm-unifont reloading. Bug#232397
 - subarchitecture support for powerpc and m68k
        (Current status??)
 - make sure we support 32 mb of memory again

In partman, Steve Langasek may be looking at adding XFS starting this
weekend. Anton has planned out how reiserfs support should work, but it
is not yet being worked on. There have been lots of bugs fixed and UI
cleanups this week, and it works great on i386 now. It would be good to
know ASAP what other arches will use partman, and which should remain
using the old partitioner. Partman is currently the default on all

see shy jo

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