lör 2003-02-22 klockan 15.06 skrev Fabrice Lorrain (home):
> Martin Sjögren a écrit:
> > Hello.
> > 
> > I want us to really decide on how i18n is going to work in d-i since
> > it's something that may cause big design changes.
> > 
> > There are several things that need translating:
> > 
> > - Debconf templates. These are not a problem, we happily use po-debconf
> > for this and everything is UTF-8 and great.
> > - Dynamically generated menus. I can think of three right now.
> >   1. The main menu
> >   2. anna's retriever question
> Hi,
> For my understanding, can so explain what's "anna".

"anna" stands for "anna's not nearly apt" and is used to configure
debian-installer at runtime, to pull in dependencies et.c.


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