tor 2003-02-20 klockan 11.35 skrev Michael Bramer:
> Hello
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 02:59:37PM +0100, Martin Sjögren wrote:
> > I want us to really decide on how i18n is going to work in d-i since
> > it's something that may cause big design changes.
> > 
> > There are several things that need translating:
> > 
> > - Debconf templates. These are not a problem, we happily use po-debconf
> > for this and everything is UTF-8 and great.
> we have debconf templeates from debian-installer already in DDTP. Maybe
> you will find some new translations there...

Great! I'm just worried that there may be conflicts between people
working with the DDTP and people translating and commiting directly to
cvs. It's extra work for people to first do it via ddtp and then take
the translation and commit it *too*.

> > How do we make it easy for translators? All things in a package that can
> > be translated should be collected in one place, making it as easy as
> > possible for translators. Can we use DDTP, grisu? How do we build our
> 1.) ist you like to ask grisu, use cc: all the time...

OK, sorry, I saw that you were on -i18n so I didn't think about it.

> 2.) yes, we can use DDTP. 
>     If you ask about the descriptions in
>     'dists/sid/main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages', this
>     descriptions already in the pdesc part of the DDTP. Some of this
>     descriptions are already translated. Look at
> for
>     a example. 
>     The debian-installer packages have a high pritority in the DDTP. 

Very nice!

> > packages so they will automatically get the latest translations of
> > everything?
> If you need some 'files with translated text from the DDTP in some extra
> format', ask for it! 

What would be best would be if, when a template or package description
is changed, the maintainer could be mailed a complete .po file that
could just be committed to the cvs. .po file is nice because then
encoding will be right and stuff. When the package descriptions have
been translated, I guess a .po file would be clumsy. Getting them as
attachments, utf-8 encoded would be best.

Is this doable?

We'll have to teach everybody to go through the DDTP (including me :),
both for templates and package descriptions. This isn't all bad, it's
good to have everything collected in one place.

Oh, and I really really really don't understand why the Swedish team is
called 'sv_SE', it should be the language code 'sv' like all other
languages! That's what the TP team (of which I'm a member) is called,
too. I seem to remember talking to Stefan about this, but it doesn't
seem like anything happened.


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