Hello. I want us to really decide on how i18n is going to work in d-i since it's something that may cause big design changes.
There are several things that need translating: - Debconf templates. These are not a problem, we happily use po-debconf for this and everything is UTF-8 and great. - Dynamically generated menus. I can think of three right now. 1. The main menu 2. anna's retriever question 3. anna's module selection question - Other random strings. The partitioning/mkfs/mounting tools need to be friendlier, they can't just spit out strings like "/dev/discs/disc0/part1" without explanation. How will these strings be translated? There is support in main-menu for using Description-LL fields from the control files in order to do i18n but it is largely untested since we don't really have any translated control files yet. anna could do the same thing, for both questions. Is this a good way to do it? Does this mean putting UTF-8 stuff in the control files? Can we integrate it with po-debconf? How do we make it easy for translators? All things in a package that can be translated should be collected in one place, making it as easy as possible for translators. Can we use DDTP, grisu? How do we build our packages so they will automatically get the latest translations of everything? As usual, I've probably missed something, but I really want some discussion going. /Martin
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