Hi Beatrice, Am 7. Dezember 2024 14:58:57 MEZ schrieb Beatrice Torracca <beatri...@libero.it>: >the package short description now reads "for kids (Debian Junior)". > >and it seems truncated. > >If it is not, I apologize, but I would like to suggest a longer and maybe >clearer description like "Debian Blend for kids (Debian Junior" or something >along those lines.
This line (and such lines from other packages) is used to create a dialog like this in debian-installer: =============================================================================== Software blends selection Here you can choose from our blends for installation: Blends to install: astronomy (Debian Astro) for kids (Debian Junior) Debian in health care (Debian Med) =============================================================================== So at that place everything would be ok, there is no need to repeat "Debian Blend" or similar in every line IMO. However, from the point of view of package description translation, you are of course right, if one don't know the context, it's for sure not ideal... But anyway, I would leave this decision to the Blends people (or maybe call for a review on debian-l10-english...) We will see, how it goes. Holger