Camaleón <> writes:

> The mass-block changes made by Javier make it difficult to see what
> has been going on with the original file:

I had a quick look at some of these changes, and thought that there
ought to be a way of extracting the sense from the noise.  So I've had a
play with git diff textconv's and come up with something that may help a

Attached you'll find a hacky perl script ( which strips out
CR-LFs and trailing spaces, and to joins msg* chunks together so that
the changes in line-breaks go away.

If you configure git to use that for .po diffs, then the real
differences are revealed. One does that by adding the following to

*.po diff=po

and this to .git/config:

[diff "po"]
        textconv = ./

(assuming you're putting the script in the repo)

Having done that you'll get a much shorter diff:

$ git diff efa9821ab..5878a44af  | wc -l

rather than what it's like wthout the textconv stuff:
$ git diff efa9821ab..5878a44af --no-textconv | wc -l

The output of git diff --color-words is then very revealing.

Of course the resulting patch is not directly applicable to the code,
becuase the mutli-line msg blocks have been glued into single, long,
lines but it does reveal what really changed ... which is basically a
few 'BIOS' to 'BIOS/UEFI' replacements, some whitespace fixes, and the
end of the file being trimmed off.


Cheers, Phil.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature


my $scratch = "";

while(<>) {
   s/\s*\r?\n$// ;
   if (/^(msg\w* .*)"$/) {
      $scratch .= $1 ;
      next ;
   if ("$scratch" && /"(.*)"$/) {
      $scratch .= $1 ;
      next ;
   if ("$scratch") {
      print $scratch . "\"\n" ;
      $scratch = "" ;
   print $_ . "\n" ;
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
|(|  Hugo-Klemm-Strasse 34,   21075 Hamburg,    GERMANY

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