On mié, ago 5, 2020 at 12:50 am, Samuel Thibault
<sthiba...@debian.org> wrote:
Diego Escalante Urrelo, le mar. 04 août 2020 17:39:34 -0500, a ecrit:
I was trying to figure out how to fix this
Mmm, actually this should already be fixed, in the context of
#910227. In the latest images we just keep the grub resolution, which
my tests is fine. That's lazy of course, but that's more
than tryine a 16x32 font, which sooner or later will again be too
I just tested with the daily at:
its README says:
Debian GNU/Linux testing "Bullseye" - Official Snapshot amd64
The font size for the installer itself remained tiny, same size as
grub. But the other VTs where "correctly" sized (let's call 16x32
"correct" for my screen).
The GRUB prompt indeed took over the efifb resolution, but because it
was using the default font, it was really tiny text.