On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 7:20 AM, dimas <dimas...@ya.ru> wrote:
> 2016-006 05:42 Jose R R <jose....@metztli-it.com> wrote:
>> I have built a modified version of initramfs-tools package that has as
>> default those Reiser4 -specific settings
>> but wanted to allow d-i to select most of its packages from regular
>> Debian repositories.
> well, i see. right way, probably. but you can the needed hook in any 
> installion
> scripts that you modify anyhow. i think, you messed with any of those, yes?

This issue may be resolved subsequently -- although probably using a
procedure that occurs *earlier* than 'the hooks' :)
>> That suggestion is probably fine for the reiser4-parted DEBs but the
>> kernel included in d-i is 'picky' and I have not had luck changing its
>> name to something other than *official* Debian because d-i then
>> refuses to install from the Debian repositories.
> ouch, didn't know that it has such a strict restrictions

Using the same Debian Sid Linux kernel source, I generated another
Reiser4-enabled kernel 'the Debian Way' -- but with a custom changelog
that clearly shows has Reiser4 super power :D

Once installed into a Debian distro, a uname -a yields:

Linux [host] 4.3.0-1+reiser4.0.1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian
4.3.3-5+reiser4.0.1 (2016-01-07) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Hence *hold* is not necessary for said kernel.

>> And for Debian Parted:
>> echo "parted hold" | dpkg --set-selections
>> echo "libparted2 hold" | dpkg --set-selections
>> And we can check for those packages effectively being on *hold* and
>> not replaced by Debian package manager, thus:
> that's the option, yeah, but placing packages on hold can lead to some 
> expected
> dependecies conflicts in the future, and is generally rather "dirty" way. 
> using
> special package names like "parted-reiser4" is much clear anyhow, what is 
> more,
> you can easily run your local repo with r4-patched kernels/tools/libs, and it
> will be the most clear of obvious way for the enduser to keep all this stuff
> upgraded without worrying whether it's r4-patched stuff or not. this would be 
> a
> perfect variant, i think. user just install "linux-....-reiser4",
> "parted-...-reiser4" and "whatever-....-reiser4", and you just build new
> packages from time to time, and everyone have their stuff updated usual way.

Well renaming Debian GNU Parted can wait -- as it is optional for the
user *even* after Debian is installed; i.e., I have embedded the
Reiser4-enabled lib/parted[2] UDEB into previoulsy referenced
Debian-Installer (d-i) netboot ISO:

Thanks for your suggestions, Dimas.

Best Professional Regards.

Jose R R
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