Quoting Frans Pop (elen...@planet.nl):

> The meeting logs are a completely different animal. There is absolutely no 
> reason why those should be kept in a location that is not accessible to 
> all team members.
> The most likely reason why Christian is using d-i.d.o instead of our old 
> alioth location is that was either unaware of its existence, or had 
> forgotten about it.

No, I haven't. The move there happened mostly because I was in a
moment where I'm moving many things from individual accounts (mine and
davide's) on Alioth to the role account on ravel (l10n-sync,
spellchecker, l10n-stats).

Then, later, when the moment of hosting the meeting logs happened, I
realized that all meeting logs were, until then, under various
developers accounts on people.d.o (mostly mine, but also
Jérémy's....and one was supposed to be in Martin Krafft's home...but
wasn't there anymore).

So, I decided it would be time to gather them all around...and thus
did so in d-i.d.o.

I agree that, in that case, things may be debated as this somewhat
"closes" things down in a case where there is no strong need.

So, well, I'm ready to discuss about this again. After all, what we
need here is a placeholder and it's quite unlikely that people will
try to access the meeting logs directly by typing their URL (which
would be a good motivation to use d-i.d.o).

> I also don't buy Otavio's argument that d-i.d.o is so much nicer. 
> Especially something like the meeting logs is only accessed through links 
> from the wiki or mails, so the URL does not make ANY difference for 
> practical purposes.

That fits my remark above, indeed.

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