Am 21.12.2012 um 10:39 schrieb Thorsten Glaser <>:

> IIRC w-b access is simple (sending public keys of some sort to
> aurel32),

Yeah, but before we need the buildd itself configured properly. There are many 
cryptic options for me and I hope Wouter will find some little time to provide 
a little help here as he's more experienced with that. Maybe we can ask 
Aurelien as well?

> but I’ll need instructions how to mark the packages
> I’m manually building as not-for-us and things like that.

I think it would be best that you ask for a w-b access as well. Then you can 
get a list of packages to build and register them, give them back and such. 

> When you’re done setting up buildd I’d like to have a copy of
> the config so I can set one up as well. 

Sure. I try to collect as much information I can and put it up in the Wiki. 

Ciao...            //      Fon: 0381-2744150
      Ingo       \X/

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