Recently I updated my Amiga3000/18MB-RAM Debian-2.0 to 3.0. Usually I build 
my own kernel on small systems but a first try took 11 hours and the result 
didn't work.

My installed applications are kernel-package+debs and gcc-2.95 - browsing 
the lists I found the suggestion to use gcc272 for compiling m68k-kernels - 
is this still recommended?

I have three requirements:

1. lean nonmodular/monolitic kernel
2. support for my ariadne1
3. use true vga-textmode on my cl5424-board

 Which kernel-source is required?
 Is there any performance-penalty to be expected between 2.0, 2.2 and 2.4?
 I prefer vanilla or at least as close as possible :-)

 Some while ago I managed to get vga-textmode running on an Amiga4000 with 
CV64-3D - it was impressivly fast, no framebuffer ever can get close to 
that. So I would like it also on my Amiga3000. To bad I never wrote down 
how I achieved that. I found some titbits while going through the 
m68k-kernel-framebuffer-options, but I still do not know how to configure 
it on the kernel-commandline by video=. Any comments will be appreciated.

Christian Brandt

 life is short and in most cases it ends with death
 but my tombstone will carry the hiscore

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