Dear Andreas, For DebConf 25, to be held in Brest, France, the local team has prepared the budget that you can find here below, and in the debconf-team's dc25 repo: Except for a few changes that reduced the total expenses, this budget was presented in today's (2025-03-04) debconf orga meeting, and we agreed in to ask for its approval. You can find the minutes of the meeting at: We would like to note that this is a conservative budget, and we are expecting more income from sponsors to come. Once we have more sponsors, we could increase the amounts for the different bursaries, especially food+accommodation. Could you please review the budget, and if you agree, approve it? If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to let them know. Best regards, For the DC 25 local team, -- Santiago include include ; Budget for DC25 2025-03-04 * Estimate ; ; ; Assets ; assets:debian-france ; ; ; Expected expenses ; expenses:accommodation:bed-set 2,600 EUR ; camping ; 16€ double-size bed ; 13€ single-size bed ; 4€ towel ; to do ; Renting expenses:accommodation:dormitory:rooms 32,200 EUR ; Dorm room for DebCamp + Arriving day (7 nights x avg. 100 beds) ; Dorm room for DebConf + Departing day (6 nights x avg. 100 beds) expenses:accommodation:camping 37,740 EUR ; mobile homes, priority for families and groups expenses:child-care 6,000 EUR ; to do ; Looking for institutional support to cover child-care ; Babysitters expenses:equipment:av 6,000 EUR ; to do: actual quote ; Renting and buying the screens, audio mixers, mics and projectors expenses:equipment:network 200 EUR ; Renting and buying the switches and cables expenses:fees:bank 1,200 EUR expenses:fees:SPI 1,600 USD ; Bank and SPI fees expenses:fees:import-tax 0 EUR ; Import duty on video equipment, sponsors' swag and other things expenses:food:catering 88,000 EUR ; Estimated total attendees: 400 ; Breakfast Rate DebCamp 50.00% of 253 accommodated attendees ; Breakfast Rate DebConf 95.00% of 253 accommodated attendees ; Lunch Rate DebCamp 40.00% ; Lunch Rate DebConf 85.00% ; Dinner Rate DebCamp 40.00% ; Dinner Rate DebConf 75.00% expenses:incidental 3,000 EUR expenses:insurance 78 EUR ; to do expenses:local-stuff-frontdesk 2,000 EUR ; frontdesk stuff expenses:local-team 2,000 EUR ; Locally fetching, renting and miscellaneous expenses expenses:printing 2,500 EUR ; to do: a quote is needed ; Banners, signs, flyers and printings expenses:site-visit 2,285 USD expenses:social:cheese-and-wine 800 EUR expenses:social:conference-dinner 17,500 EUR ; to do: we would like a conference dinner that costs half of this ; estimation, but we need confirmation from the place. ; Conference dinner and its travel (350 people) expenses:social:day-trip 12,000 EUR ; Day trip (200 people) expenses:swag 1,000 EUR ; Swag (300 people) - limiting it to bags + sponsors-provided stuff expenses:t-shirts 7,000 EUR ; T-shirts (with buffers: 400 attendees, X staffs, Y video team, Z volunteers) expenses:travel:bursary:diversity 10,000 EUR ; to do: to be discussed with the bursaries team expenses:travel:bursary:general 60,000 EUR ; to do: to be discussed with the bursaries team expenses:travel:invited-speakers 2,000 EUR ; to do: to be discussed with the content team expenses:travel:team:dc25 2,000 EUR expenses:travel:team:dc26 4,000 EUR ; to do expenses:travel:team:debconf-ctte 3,000 EUR expenses:travel:team:registration 1,000 EUR expenses:travel:team:video 3,000 EUR expenses:venue:covid 500 EUR expenses:venue:rooms 0 EUR ; To be confirmed expenses:venue:security-guards 6,302.77 EUR expenses:visa 0 EUR ; ; ; Expected income ; income:accommodation -70,400 EUR ; We are expecting 153 self-paid attendees out of 253 accommodated ; Accommodation price: 50€/night income:bar 0 EUR ; We may sell the bar ticket income:meal -73,000 EUR ; 100 food bursaries, 300 self-paid income:daytrip -12,000 EUR ; We may sell the day trip ticket income:conference-dinner -4,375 EUR ; We expect that 25% of the people pay for the conference dinner income:registration (64 * -200 EUR + 28 * -500 EUR) income:sponsors:platinum (3 * -20,000 EUR) income:sponsors:gold (2 * -10,000 EUR) income:sponsors:silver (8 * -5,000 EUR) income:sponsors:bronze (3 * -2,000 EUR) income:sponsors:supporter (2 * -1,000 EUR) income:sponsors:donations 0 EUR
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