Hello Guys,

This is an updated version of the DebConf 2025 logo that I recommend you
guys use for any print or digital use for the event.

This logo is the same as before but I removed a double white water drop
that was in the SVG by mistake, and I made the red swirl and number red
tone a tiny bit darker, just so we have a better contrast in case you guys
are printing the logo on top of the salmon background that I saw at the
website header.

Now, this is not a must-do as I made the logo more contrasting already, but
if possible, my recommendation would be to also update the background
salmon tone on the website (and if used for print) for #ef7373, which is
very similar to the previous one, but again, it increases the overall
contrast and accessibility of the logo, which is important for people with
sight disabilities that may access the website for example.

I am also sending the same logo version in horizontal format, just in case
the vertical one doesn't fit well in tight spaces like if it's going to be
printed on a pen for example.

I am thrilled that my logo won this competition, and I can't wait to see it
on all the event materials.
Great job guys!

Thank you.

*Juliana Camargo*
RGD Certification Committee Member
Certified Member of the Association of Registered Graphic Designers (RGD)

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