On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 12:26:09PM -0500, Sam Hartman wrote: > >>>>> "Jose" == Jose M Calhariz <jose.calha...@tecnico.ulisboa.pt> writes: > > > Jose> In Portugal there is "ANSOL - Associação Nacional para o Software > Jose> Livre" my translation is "National Organization for Open Source". > In > Jose> the past they have handled money for events, for example UbunCon > Jose> Europe at Sintra in 2019. There is any decision for next DebConf21 > Jose> about money? Can ANSOL under the right conditions handle the money? > > If at all possible it would be best if either Debian France or debian.ch > could handle the money. > Both of those are active. > > Things get complicated if that won't work, but definitely not > impossible. > > Because of some bad experiences, the bar for actually adding a trusted > organization to the set of organizations that can handle assets on > behalf of Debian has gotten very high at this point. > > But we have done things like we did with ICTL and Debconf 19, where they > partnered with one of the trusted organizations as a supplier. > > In most cases we definitely do not want to leave money in a local > organization past the end of DebConf. > > --Sam >
Thank you for the information, is good to know that Debian France and debian.ch are active. I am less worried now. Kind regards Jose M Calhariz -- -- O sono e muito mais aprazivel na cabana do pobre do que nos perfumados palacios dos grandes. -- William Shakespeare
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