Hi, Maybe is a litle early to make this question. The last time I was told that most of the organizations that handle money for Debian in Europe were not active, since then I think one of them went active again.
In Portugal there is "ANSOL - Associação Nacional para o Software Livre" my translation is "National Organization for Open Source". In the past they have handled money for events, for example UbunCon Europe at Sintra in 2019. There is any decision for next DebConf21 about money? Can ANSOL under the right conditions handle the money? The website is https://ansol.org/ I am happy to forward any questions to them and they know about the Portuguese Bid for DebConf21. Kind regards Jose M Calhariz -- -- O sono e muito mais aprazivel na cabana do pobre do que nos perfumados palacios dos grandes. -- William Shakespeare
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