>>>>> "Jose" == Jose M Calhariz <jose.calha...@tecnico.ulisboa.pt> writes:
Jose> In Portugal there is "ANSOL - Associação Nacional para o Software Jose> Livre" my translation is "National Organization for Open Source". In Jose> the past they have handled money for events, for example UbunCon Jose> Europe at Sintra in 2019. There is any decision for next DebConf21 Jose> about money? Can ANSOL under the right conditions handle the money? If at all possible it would be best if either Debian France or debian.ch could handle the money. Both of those are active. Things get complicated if that won't work, but definitely not impossible. Because of some bad experiences, the bar for actually adding a trusted organization to the set of organizations that can handle assets on behalf of Debian has gotten very high at this point. But we have done things like we did with ICTL and Debconf 19, where they partnered with one of the trusted organizations as a supplier. In most cases we definitely do not want to leave money in a local organization past the end of DebConf. --Sam