also sprach David Bremner <> [2016-03-16 16:19 +0100]:
> How, if at all do you (collectively) want this to interact with the
> regular bursaries process?

It's my understanding that the fundamental difference between
bursaries and outreach is that the former is concerned with vetting
financial aid applications, while the latter is more about actively
getting people to come.

Molly's initial explanation at DC14 involved a hypothetical envelope
she'd pass to someone, with everything they needed to come:
invitation, background info, airline voucher, confirmation of paid
room&board etc., so as to make them feel a lot more welcome and to
facilitate their decision to join us, rather than expecting them to
figure out how to sign up and apply for financial aid.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
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