also sprach Maximiliano Curia <> [2015-03-30 14:13 +0200]:
> I wouldn't like to have a fixed time for non-video-recorded
> events, nor promote them by requiring to have one of them each
> day, nor demote them to second class events that occur while
> people is eating.

I am really failing so see how this has anything to do with video.
The official schedule has 90 Minutes for lunch during which
I presume the video team members get to eat, along with the
majority. Why does that have any bearing on whether lunch opens or
closes a little earlier/later?

> I have no opinion about the ad-hoc session, only that the current
> schedule proposals only shows them in the afternoon.

We're probably not going to actively prevent "ad-hoc" sessions in
the morning either. What's the benefit of colouring specific times
for "ad-hoc" events, rather than just declaring *all other times*
than in the schedule to be available for ad-hoc meetings? Sure, we
have to do room allocation somewhat, but other than that there
remains a stark paradox in the idea of scheduling ad-hoc stuff.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
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