also sprach Martín Ferrari <> [2015-02-27 15:27 +0100]:
> Just chiming in to say that I agree to all you said here. I am also a
> bit frustrated about claims that vegetarian is not a restriction, that
> it should be the default, o that we are eating too much meat. It is
> perfectly fine for individuals to make their own dietary choices, but I
> don't like when that is somehow imposed upon the rest.

Nobody is imposing anything upon anyone and you get to make your own
decisions. We just won't guarantee meat/fish every day, because the
youth hostel won't guarantee it to us.

Whether what you can or cannot eat is a "restriction" or a "choice"
is just cosmetics, really. We've been calling it "restriction" for
decades and there are people who didn't like it all along. Why not
just call it something else then when it doesn't affect others?

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
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