also sprach Brian Gupta <> [2015-02-25 15:53 +0100]:
> Since Debian is a culturally diverse organization, it would be
> impossible to cater this to individual omnivores, so I would
> argue, that we should aim for local norms.

Yes, that is what we'll be doing: the youth hostel will be serving
regionally-sourced food according to local norms.

> I'd also perhaps argue that the kitchen should keep some frozen
> hamburgers/hotdogs and veggie burgers/hotdogs (or local
> equivalents) on hand for late comers who have strong dietary
> preferences, but didn't follow the guidance.

The bistro will be serving snacks until late at night, including
omnivore and vegetarian/vegan options.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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