On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 5:21 PM, Nattie Mayer-Hutchings
<nat...@debconf.org> wrote:

>> [X] Subscribe to announcement list  <<default: Yes>>

Please make this mandatory. Add
"We are committed to your privacy and will not spam you. Yet, we want
to make sure that we can reach you in case anything really important
or similar. Not being able to update people, or having a
meta-discussion on if we are allowed to, sucks.

Alternatively, allow them to subscribe to generic announcements, but
make sure they know that important stuff will be sent either way.

>> Role in Debian:
>> - Debian Project Member (all DDs)
>> - Debian Maintainer
>> - Debian contributor (including artist, translator, etc.)
>> - Otherwise involved in Debian
>> - Not yet involved but interested
>> - Accompanying a Debian participant
>> - None <<Default>>

Maybe a short text filed below that in case they select one of the
latter options?

>> Role in DebConf:

Same as above.

>> Registration level:
>> <<help text: "Thank you for supporting Debian and DebConf. Payments will be
>> handled onsite">>
>> - Basic registration (free) <<Default>>
>> - Independent (100 EUR)
>> - Professional (200 EUR)
>> - Corporate (500 EUR)

I still think we should allow people to enter larger amounts. If they
want to pay €300 for a professional ticket, why stop them? If their
company covers conference tickets up to €2000 why waste that?
Also, I agree that the default should be Independent.

>> Dietary restrictions:
>> - Not applicable
>> - No dietary restrictions <<Default>>
>> - Vegetarian
>> - Vegan (strict vegetarian)
>> - Other (contact <registrat...@debconf.org> ASAP)

There has been talk about reduced meat usage to save cost and other
factors. I still think this is a good idea, even though I am very much
an omnivore.

"Must eat meat every day" would be a dietary restriction we would need
to know about, even though I don't think a lot of people will select
that; or be serious if they did.

>> Gender (for diversity statistics):
>> - Male
>> - Female

Adding "Unspecified" is a nice way out of all possible debates. I hope...

>> OK being photographed or filmed?
>> <<If we need to discuss, I'll remove the field until reconfirmation>>
>> - Yes in public areas, unless I say otherwise  <<Default>>
>> - No, unless I give my permission

We will need to be _certain_ how that could scale. We should not
promise anything we can not keep.

>> [ ] Interested in information about group child care
>> <<this will send a email. From what address???>>


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