also sprach Philipp Hug <> [2015-02-15 13:49 +0100]:
>  The reason the process is stalled is not that we don't have experience.
> (E.g. using a static btc address to receive payments is IMO bad, better use
> individual adresses)

Other than privacy, what are the advantages. But yes, if it all gets
converted anyway, then by all means.

> And it's also not about whether we should accept bitcoin or not.
> It's about issues like keeping balances in BTC vs instantly
> converting it to fiat money.

Well, we also have not reached a decision that we would do it with
Bitpay and a zero balance yet.

> In the end it's up to the TOs to set up the processes and then to
> the project, if we want to use those services or not.

This was also voted down, I think. You know, typical

Anyway, no need to keep discussing this. Could you let me know what
payment details for bitpay we should list? And what limits
we need to be aware of, since you can't receive endless money?


 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  proud Debian developer
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
no. no musicals. i loathe musicals. i never did have a plan for
doing one. my cousin made me sit through some fucking musical twice.
i just hate them. they bore me stiff. i think they’re just horrible.
even _hair_. and they're always lousy music.
               -— john lennon, _the lost interviews_ by ray connolly

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