martin f krafft <> writes:

> also sprach Richard Hartmann <> [2015-02-14 20:47 
> +0100]:
>> DebConf e.V. is a Trusted Organization and madduck is a member. We
>> can delegate this to him officially.
> I would not do this, as the Project itself has not taken a position
> and a TO should probably not charge ahead against the recent
> discussion on d-project.
> Let's just see what happens, shall we? This is not a plot of mine to
> get rich and disappear with Bitcoins à la MtGox.

I'm not really comfortable with this. Not because I don't trust madduck,
but because if the Project is in the process of reaching a decision
about wheter to accept Bitcoins or not, we should not circumvent that.
After all DebConf is part of Debian.

This can be frustrating because the Project sometimes takes some time to
reach a decision, but it's IMO the right way to go.

OTOH has accepted donations in Bitcoin via BitPay in the past.
Maybe that's an option. Philipp Hug should know more about this.


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