also sprach Gaudenz Steinlin <> [2015-02-15 13:05 +0100]:
> I'm not really comfortable with this. Not because I don't trust madduck,
> but because if the Project is in the process of reaching a decision
> about wheter to accept Bitcoins or not

Oh really? I thought this process was fully stalled, mainly because
we didn't have any experience; thus I thought this would actually
provide some data and experience, which can then later be used to
facilitate a decision on a project-wide basis.

Otherwise, the argument that the project doesn't do it, so we should
not do it is kind of a way to kill of the entire idea, isn't it?

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
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